Where I am Coming From
I graduated in 2001 in 3d Animation. In my formal education I learned of many new technologies like 3D scanners and other devices that were WAY cool but WAY out-of-reach for my pocketbook. After graduation, I decided to go down a different career path, but still loved to develop 3D models for myself and various work projects. I also began to look at hobbies where I might put to use my models.
I remember walking into a Lowe's store one time and saw a CarveWrite wood CNC being displayed and demoed. It came with a hefty price tag of around $3,000 at the time. It looked awesome but was going to be hard to save up for. And I never was able to.
Approximately 10 years ago in 2014, I purchased my first CNC machine. Being a beginner and not knowing much about them at the time, I wanted to get something easy to use while providing good quality and size. After researching one that wouldn't break my back account, I settled on the XYZ Printing da Vinci 1.0. I honestly thought it would be a good fit and I could bring my 3D modeling creations to life.
Unfortunately, I was spectacularly wrong. After 1 year of frustration and calibration after calibration, poor quality prints and proprietary filament requirements, I said goodbye to the printer and closed the door on the hobby...or so I thought.
In comes 2023 and an opportunity to finally try a wood CNC machine at a price I could afford. I had heard a lot about cheap laser CNCs and wood CNCs from co-workers, even after being skeptical, I decided, I might try. The questions I now had were along the lines of ease of use, overall capability for a "toy" entry level, etc. I settled on the Genmitsu 3018-PROVer V2 from Sainsmart. The price was right, and it was on a sale, so I took a leap.
This website describes my journey including trials and findings for CNC in general over the year and as we usher in 2024. I now have a total of four different machines and will review and post new projects as I work on them.
I also want to make known that none of my reviews or posts are sponsored unless specifically stated. I will not accept a sponsor who does not let me speak the truth in my own findings and use. I will happily provide positive feedback when warranted. The same goes for negative feedback and reviews.